• Market Cap: $266b

  • May 03, 2024

Sojourn Coin Profit Calculator or you can say Sojourn Coin ROI Calculator is a simple tool to calculate how much profit you would have made if you had invested in Sojourn Coin (SOJ) in past. This helps you measure the return on investment (ROI) of Sojourn Coin (SOJ) .

If you are looking for mining calc check it here: Sojourn Coin Mining Calculator

What my profit would be If I have invested
in Sojourn Coin on the date

How does Sojourn Coin Profit Calculator Works?

This Sojourn Coin Profit Calculator uses a simple mathematical principal to calculate the ROI of Sojourn Coin. It fetches the historical Sojourn Coin price from the database and compares with current Sojourn Coin Price and calculate the profit or loss made on it.

It does this simple calculation get the amount Sojourn Coin you would have got by investing x$'s on that day ($x/price of Sojourn Coin). Now it calculates the current price of that amount in USD (current Sojourn Coin price * amount of Sojourn Coin purchased in past). Now the return on investment (ROI) is calculated by dividing amount in USD today by amount invested and multiplying it by 100.

Mathmetical logic behind the same:

$invested_USD = USD invested in past date;
$historical_SOJ_price = Price of SOJ in past date;
$quantity_SOJ = Quantity of SOJ in past = $amount invested / $price_on_that_day;
$price_SOJ = Current price of SOJ;
$USD_today = ($price_SOJ * $quantity_SOJ) - $invested_USD;
$ROI = ($USD_today/$invested_USD)*100;

And if you want to check future price of Sojourn Coin you can check it here: Sojourn Coin Price Prediction. This predictions are based on various algorithms applied on the historical price of the Sojourn Coin.

If you have any query regarding the above calculator you can comment it in comment box below.